
Maunuhanga / The Wellington Postdoctoral Society was founded in 2021 with support from Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington. Our aims are to:

  • build a diverse and inclusive community of Postdocs

  • provide ways to better understand the needs of and problems faced by Postdocs

  • support professional development

  • have a voice for Postdocs and other early career researchers based at Victoria University of Wellington and other institutions in the Wellington region

We run workshops on professional and career development for Postdocs and host informal coffee meetups where Postdocs can connect with each other. 

We take a broad view of who qualifies as a “Postdoc”. Membership is open to any Early Career Researcher who has completed their PhD and are now on a fixed term appointment (of any kind) at Victoria University of Wellington and its associated institutes.

We have an executive committee who meets regularly. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us.

Te reo name.

The word ‘Maunuhanga' refers to the ‘drawing out’ of something, such as a waka (vessel) being drawn onto water. We think this works as a metaphor for early career researchers at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington who can be likened to waka being drawn into the academic ‘water' to undertake the next stage of their academic journeys.   

‘Maunu’ can also mean to emerge or come free, which we think speaks to the aspirations of our Society’s members to be future leaders.