Executive Committee.

  • Dr Hannah Lee-Harwood (Co-Chair)

    Hannah is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the VUW School of Biological Sciences. Her research is primarily focused on generating and screening large metagenomic libraries with the aim of discovering novel enzymes for biotechnological applications. Her previous research focused on re-purposing the FDA-approved, anthelmintic drug, niclosamide as a novel antibacterial therapy.

    Hannah joined the committee in 2024.

  • Dr Nikita Melashchenko (Co-Chair)

    Nikita has become a part of Maunuhanga Committee in 2023. He is committed to forging a clearer career path for postdocs at Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington.

    He is holding a position of Postdoctoral Fellow in Law at the New Zealand Centre of International Economic Law (NZCIEL). The primary focus of his research is examining data barriers in international trade, international intellectual property, and the regulation of technology. He also co-teaches various courses at the Faculty of Law and professional development courses with the NZCIEL.

  • Dr Abby Sharrock

    Abby is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the VUW School of Biological Sciences. Her research is focused on the development of improved methods of targeted cellular ablation for both cancer gene therapy and degenerative disease modelling, and design of next-generation gene delivery vectors to support cancer therapies.

    Abby joined the committee in 2024 and is looking forward to becoming a more active member of the Wellington Early Career Researcher Community.

  • Dr Felix Yan

    Felix is a Research Fellow in the VUW School of Engineering and Computer Science. His research focuses on integrating artificial intelligence with cross-disciplinary domains to empower scientific innovations and applications. He previously applied AI for designing robust microphone arrays to enhance speech capture technology. His current project is about deploying web applications on multi-clouds with AI-designed heuristics to optimise cost efficiency and response times.

    Felix joined the committee in 2024.

  • Dr Khushbu Kumari

    Khushbu is our newest member, serving as a Lecturer in Commercial Law at the School of Accounting and Commercial Law. Her research focuses on intellectual property rights and drug regulations. As a part of Maunuhanga, Khushbu aims to foster inclusive dialogue among post-doctoral peers. She is committed to building a supportive community where members can collaborate and enhance their industry skills.

  • Dr Danae Anderson

    Danae is a Lecturer in Occupational Health and Safety in the VUW School of Health.

  • Dr Josie Mainwaring

    Josie is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the VUW School of Biological Sciences. She is interested in various areas of applied microbiology and biotechnology, though the majority of her research has focused on understanding and controlling the causal agent of kauri dieback disease. She is also currently a lecturer in microbiology and molecular biology at VUW.

    Josie joined the committee in 2025.

  • Dr Rose McLellan

    Rose is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Ferrier Research Institute, carrying out multidisciplinary research to understand and characterise biosynthetic pathways in fungi. Her research requires skills across bioinformatics, synthetic and molecular biology, analytical chemistry and natural product chemistry.

    Rose joined the committee in 2025.

If you’d like to know more about our committee, or are interested in joining, please get in touch.